Chinatown Artist Registry- San Francisco, CA

  • Commissioning Entity

    San Francisco Arts Commission

  • Application Open Date


  • Application Deadline Date


  • Minimum Budget


  • Maximum Budget


  • Location of Commission

    San Francisco, California, United States

  • Commission Portal

    View Link

  • Geographic Eligibilty


  • Contact Name

    Craig Corpora

  • Contact Email

    [email protected]

  • Contact Phone

  • Commission Document

    Document not uploaded

  • Brief Description


    San Franciso’s Chinatown is one of the most historically and culturally dynamic neighborhoods in the United States. Its rich history intertwines with San Francisco’s own story, with records of Chinese participants present at Portsmouth Square during the celebration of California's admission into the Union in 1850. Chinatown has stood in the same location for over a century, maintaining a concentration and continuity of history unparalleled in other ethnic communities of the city.

    The resilience of Chinatown was evident after the 1906 earthquake when the district was quickly rebuilt in its original location amid threats of displacement. Led by merchant Look Tin Eli, rebuilding efforts imagined a new Chinatown aesthetic, contributing to the colors, architectural details, and pagoda-style towers synonymous with Chinatowns today. Beyond the facade, San Francisco's Chinatown is the densest neighborhood west of the Mississippi. It is home to one of the City’s largest Single-Room-Occupancy (SRO) populations, as well as primarily monolingual seniors and families living below the poverty line. As a vital immigrant gateway, the neighborhood’s culture includes the lived everyday experiences of residents, small businesses, organizations, and traditions that merge practices from immigrant homelands and adaptations to life in America.

    Amidst challenges and triumphs, Chinatown has nurtured a vibrant arts culture throughout its history. In the context of this legacy, and through the City’s 2% Arts Enrichment Ordinance, new public art will be commissioned for various capital improvement projects in significant locations throughout Chinatown, including Portsmouth Square, Chinatown Public Health Center, and the Him Mark Lai Branch Public Library.

    Project Description

    The San Francisco Arts Commission (SFAC) invites artists and artist teams residing in the United States to submit qualifications to the Chinatown Artist Registry to be considered for upcoming public art opportunities in the Chinatown neighborhood of San Francisco. Artists with a meaningful connection to Chinatown––whether they currently reside, have resided in Chinatown, have a relationship with the neighborhood, share culture and values with Chinatown, or have another significant connection to Chinatown––are encouraged to apply."

    The Chinatown Artist Registry will be used to select artists to be commissioned for a range of public art projects associated with current and upcoming construction in Chinatown, including improvements to Portsmouth Square and renovations to the Chinatown Public Health Center and Chinatown / Him Mark Lai Branch Library. The Registry will be used for these and other upcoming projects through 2027.

    The Arts Commission seeks visual artists working in a variety of media and artistic approaches to include in the Chinatown Artist Registry. Artists whose practice includes direct engagement of the community in the design or making of the artwork are also encouraged to apply. Past public art experience is not required.

    Applicants to the Chinatown Artist Registry will be considered for the following artwork opportunities:

    Portsmouth Square (花園角改善工程)
    Human-scale sculpture located at the park’s entrance on Washington and Walter U. Lum. Art Walls located on the large interior wall of the clubhouse and the adjacent exterior wall by the building entrance from the plaza.

    Chinatown Public Health Center Renovation (華埠公共衛生局翻新工程)
    One (1) exterior art wall located on the building façade at street level on the corner of Mason and Broadway Streets, adjacent to the clinic entrance. Three (3) interior art walls located in the Center’s registration and waiting areas.
    Two-Dimensional Artwork Program allowing for the direct purchase of existing 2D artworks to be framed and mounted along interior corridors on all three floors.

    Chinatown Him Mark Lai Branch Library Renovation (華埠麥禮謙分館翻新工程)
    Wall-mounted two-dimensional artwork that is integrated into five arched niches located along the west wall of the Library’s Historic Reading Room.

    For full project information, please see the commission portal link. Click here for the application form.