Welcome to the April issue of CODAmagazine, where we share design + art projects from all over the world. As you may know, CODAworx is a global online community for artists, commissioners, and industry resources. On our platform members can showcase their work, discover new resources, connect with potential collaborators, and share or find commission opportunities.

Cultural Institutions is a new theme for CODAmagazine this year. We wanted to shine a light on work in a mix of traditional settings including governmental buildings, civic & community centers, libraries, theaters, museums, and a few more that may surprise you. There’s a very interesting variety of types of work in the projects you will see featured in the issue. Our thanks go out to the artists, fabricators, public art agents, and art consultants who submitted their projects for consideration!

April is the opening of the 12th annual CODAawards, another key reason for this topic. Institutional is one of 10 design categories in the awards along with Commercial, Education, Healthcare, Hospitality, Landscape, Liturgical, Public Spaces, Residential, and Transportation. I invite you to click the link above to see projects as they are entered in April and May. If you have a project you’d like to enter into the awards, the FAQs will answer all your questions on how to do that. I promise it’s easy to do!

Enjoy the great projects in this first-time Cultural Institutions issue!