沐 MU - CODAworx

Client: Non Disclosed

Location: 台中, Taiwan

Completion date: 2022

Project Team


林舜龍 Lin Shuen Long

Project Team




The choice of material draws inspiration from the steel business with which the client’s company began. To show the evolution of the company’s development, abundant craft was incorporated into this work, including mosaics, bronze casting, and stained glass.
The design of organic lines softens all the exposed structural steel. The multifaceted form allows multiple perspectives. The elevated shape blends into the pathways. The entire work forms a comfortable viewing space and brings surprising perspectives for residents in nearby buildings.

The giant “沐MU” is 15 meters high (including the tree). Scenes of nature and daily life are blended through motifs drawn from traditional Taiwanese patterned glass on windows embedded in the branches of this tree. When viewers walk inside, they see sunlight pass through the colorful glass and, elevating their gaze along the trunk toward the round skylight, a crafted collage of mosaic: a scenery of sunlight surrounded by gently floating white clouds.
The cloud shapes are like beings in the cosmos, adorned with colors symbolizing the starry sky and ocean as well as gold-foil mosaics shimmering with vibrant splendor, imbuing the immense “沐MU” with a tender and graceful vitality.


The client’s company comprises three business units, focusing on metal forming, residential construction, and innovation for life respectively. The construction and development of this site prioritize the functions and environmental quality of the surrounding areas, with churches, department stores, and green walkways built therein, and "沐MU" is precisely a landmark by a street corner in this area, hoping to attract residents or more high-quality businesses to join this big family.

Located in a district in Taichung that combines a residential area, a hotel, a department store, an art museum, a church, and a leafy park walkway. The art work "沐MU" enhances the aesthetics of the surroundings, embodies the harmonious coexistence of commercial spaces, residential living, and nature, and reflects the values of the beautiful community.

Integrated into the city, "沐MU" represents a scene of prosperous symbiosis with the artwork carrying a tree, a symbol of real life, implying the client’s resolution for development. High value is attached to the deep connection between life and the environment; this work carries a rich and interesting sense of green life, offering a blueprint for a future full of artistic and dynamism.


Instead of using conventional and simple structural material, the artist particularly conceived the work’s structure in line with its form. Each structural steel plate (thickness: 2 cm) was cut into a particular shape, and the base was built using the Steel Reinforced Concrete Structure method and integral molding technology to achieve a whole that is 12 meters high, stable, earthquake-resistant, with a loading capacity of 15 tons.
Copper plates are inlaid into the ground, featuring bronze sculptures made by children in the neighborhood under the guidance of the artist and preserving their memories and imagination of the land. Like a big tree in nature, it accompanies the children as they grow.
To facilitate tree care, ladders were integrated into the structure. A mist show takes place every hour, diffusing a mysterious forest-like fog.

With this work, a lush green canopy emerges in the bustling city, perfectly merging with the blue sky with floating clouds, which incarnates the sense of nurturing and care conveyed by the Chinese character "沐" in art and literature.