16th Street Mall Hex Platforms - CODAworx

16th Street Mall Hex Platforms

Client: City of Denver

Location: Denver, CO, United States

Completion date: 2024

Artwork budget: $33,052

Project Team

Lead Fabricator/Welder

Merrick Wheeler



Kevin Bloom


Powder Coater

CW Elaborations


Dig Studio

General Contractor



Three hexagonal platforms made from powder coated steel and thermally modified white ash, serving as a shaded gathering place for pedestrians. These 2′ x 5′ x 9′ platforms are hollow and designed with flexibility in mind. These platforms provide visual color and interest and are designed for flexibility, allowing for the continued evolution of place making and sensory experiences along 16th Street. Westview worked with General Contractor PCL to realize Dig Studio’s vision for the City of Denver’s 16th Street Mall Revitalization Project, intended to increase pedestrian enjoyment along the mall.


The goal of this project was to take the vision provided by Dig Studios and refine the design to make it executable, durable, and as close to the intended aesthetic as possible. Westview worked closely with our partners to fabricate and install these hex platforms on 16th Street.


Westview worked with PCL, Dig Studios, and the City of Denver for this project, making adjustments to the original design in order to provide the most durable and aesthetically pleasing solution. Westview collaborated with CW Elaborations to refine the process of finishing the steel to prepare for powder coating as well as the application technique to ensure the colors came out as desired.