An Onerous Embrace Mural - CODAworx

An Onerous Embrace Mural


Location: Grenoble, France

Completion date: 2022

Project Team

General Manager

Jerome Catz

Spacejunk Grenoble • Street Art Fest Grenoble-Alpes

Administration & Coordination générale

Maud Dersarkissian

Spacejunk Grenoble • Street Art Fest Grenoble-Alpes


This eight story mural in Grenoble, France was created with the support of the city and Grenoble Street Art Festival. The image references the ancient myth of the Abduction of Persephone, created in marble by Bernini during the Renaissance. In this version the interaction of the figures are meant to represent the human impluse (and futility) to control and tame the natural world.


As this project was for the Grenoble Street Art Festival, the primary goal was to create a landmark mural on this residential building on a main thoroughfare. Because Grenoble was the European Green Capitol of 2022, I chose to create an allegory about the human relationship to nature.


The process behind this work involved a preliminary design phase where I had a few rounds of back and for the with the Festival team, the building landlord, and other local stakeholders to approve the concept. Next, the wall was prepared with a deep navy color by the Festival team before started to paint. I spent 8 days painting the mural from a 60 foot boom lift.