Canyons Village Resort - CODAworx

Canyons Village Resort

Client: Canyons Village Resorts

Location: Park City, UT, United States

Completion date: 2024

Project Team

Site Planning

John Simmons

Canyons Village Management Association

Project Fabrication

Hunter Brown

Innovative Sculpture Design LLC


Reaching Summit’ stands 25′ H, featuring dynamic movement, contemporary style, and abstract design. The upward twisting forms reach into the sky where they embrace a large, polished sphere reflecting the beauty of the surrounding landscape, evoking the excitement of exploring slopes and creating a celebratory atmosphere. The stainless-steel sculpture reflects the energy and emotions, resonating with visitors when they experience it at Canyon Village.


The artwork needed great scale and movement to activate the space. The red finish was selected to have some relationship with the branding for the resort.