Colourful Paths Hoarding Exhibit - CODAworx

Colourful Paths Hoarding Exhibit

Client: Concert Properties

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada

Completion date: 2023

Project Team

Project Manager

STEPS Public Art


Concert Properties


Yasaman Mehrsa


Created by artist Yasaman Mehrsa in collaboration with Concert Properties and STEPS Public Art, this Construction Hoarding Exhibit reflects the vibrancy of a walk through the St. James Town neighbourhood in Toronto.


This hoarding public art exhibit is inspired by the every day life in the St. James Town area, with symbols and motifs to depict the interests and activities of the lively community. Illustrations of different types of shoes flow through the design to represent individuals of any age, gender, or background walking in the neighbourhood.


STEPS Public Art oversaw the artist shortlist process, city councillor approvals, and the artwork design process between the artist and client. We also arranged the final photo documentation with the artist to capture the wonderful unveiling of the project!

Additional Information

This project saw 1,562 square footage of artwork at a busy intersection in Toronto as part of the revitalization of the St. James Town neighbourhood in Toronto, Canada. STEPS was commissioned through our Public Art Through Construction Hoarding (PATCH) services (the industry gold standard for connecting developers with artists to meet public art requirements for construction sites in Toronto).