Dreamweaver - CODAworx


Submitted by 3 of Hearts

Client: Anonymous

Location: Longview, TX, United States

Completion date: 2016

Artwork budget: $325,000

Project Team

Concept through installation

Spider Johnson

Tesoro Design

Concept and design

Lora Hunt

Tesoro Design


Ceiling Mural, 60’x8′, Native American theme. This artwork was an amalgamation of indigenous cultural mythologies. The icons in the mural hold a special and prominent place in these cultures, relating to significant turning points in a person’s life, such as birth, marriage, and death. The indigenous woman’s woven piece expressed everything to her people: their dreams, beliefs, myths and even their religion. Making use of the various geometrical patterns and the trademark red, black and white colors, the she weaves the natural and the supernatural. Furthermore, the weaving process integrates the personal, the social and the cultural, including rituals and animals — and the tribal shaman — that are sacred to them. After a weaver reaches a certain degree of expertise, she becomes a “master weaver” – someone who can interpret and take inspiration from dreams, hence the name “Dreamweaver.”

As the artists who created this mural, we incorporated all the elements of the weaver’s traditions. The palette of wood’s infinite textures and colors fitted perfectly with this artwork and honored the client’s love of Native American art.


Our foremost goal was to honor the client’s desire for a singular piece of art to cover the large ceiling space which would incorporate Native American tradition.
This required extensive research into those traditions.


The collaboration between the artists involved sharing roles in research, design and execution. Research included online sources and books on Native American imagery. The design and execution were equally shared between both artists. Several designs were presented to the client for his approval. The client requested that horses be included in the design.

Additional Information

Because this was installed on a 20-foot high ceiling in a hallway just 8 feet wide, the installation was challenging! (Wall pieces, by contrast, are much easier to install.) *Note: The image provided shows an existing sculpture hanging in front of the mural.