Five Story Window Mural, Modera Prominence - CODAworx

Five Story Window Mural, Modera Prominence

Submitted by Ryan Coleman

Client: Mill Creek Residential

Location: Atlanta, GA, United States

Completion date: 2021

Project Team


Ryan Coleman

Ryan Coleman Studio LLC

Art Consultant

Matthew Whitaker

Canvas Art Consultants


Colorchrome Atlanta

Colorchrome Atlanta


Illuminated digital painting on translucent film - Installed on glass, 2021. Five stories tall. Modera Prominence, Atlanta.


The goal was to create a striking illuminated piece to grab your attention from the exterior, with colored light reflecting inward filling the hallways of the interior.
Additionally, the design of the piece was intended to reflect the vibrant and energetic feel of the area.


Commissioned by Modera Reynoldstown/Mill Creek Developers through Canvas Art Consulting. I worked closely over a period of several months with Canvas Art Consulting to get all of the color saturation, opacity, and design finalized. Additionally, it was crucial that the interior lighting was the right illumination to properly have an impact.
At night the overall piece is illuminated from the inside out via LED lighting, while during the day, light shines inward illuminating the hallways full of spectrums of color.