Flora - CODAworx


Submitted by Sophy Tuttle Studios

Client: Newburyport Art Association

Location: Newburyport, MA, United States

Completion date: 2023

Artwork budget: $15,000

Project Team

Lead Painter

Sophy Tuttle

Sophy Tuttle Studios


Lisa Naas

Newburyport Art Association

Artist Liason

Markus Sebastiano

Bloc Haus Gallery


This mural was created for the Newburyport Arts initiative called “We All Share One Sky”. Over the course of the summer, four muralists were invited to leave their mark on the downtown area. This design features local flora and colors that are meaningful to the surrounding businesses and community.


The mural festival was an initiative to bring public art to the downtown of Newburyport, MA. The four muralists were chosen because our styles met the unique needs of the city.


I went through several rounds of feedback and community input in order to arrive at this design.