Gulf Stream by Hugh Hayden - CODAworx

Gulf Stream by Hugh Hayden

Client: Public Art Fund

Location: Brooklyn, NY, United States

Completion date: 2022

Project Team


Hugh Hayden

Hugh Hayden Studio

Project Manager

Seth Cohen

Public Art Fund

Project Director


Johnson Atelier Digital


THE DEEP AND UNKNOWABLE: Hayden approached JAD with the idea of fabricating a functional rowboat out of solid wood. Following the artist’s specific and detailed instructions, JAD milled and hand-carved the hull of the 14-foot vessel out of oak; the skeletal, rib-like details out of cedar. “Gulf Stream” was then transported and installed on-site along the coast of Brooklyn.


Hayden reimagined art history by blending these influences with his interest in creating anthropomorphic objects, such as skeletons, to enable viewers to see things differently. The result is a new narrative that references people on the water beyond the slave trade and an object that challenges viewers to see it as both a boat and a creature.


In Hugh Hayden's practice, he typically engages in a lot of laborious and handmade work. However, with his latest piece, he worked with Johnson Atelier to employ a more advanced technique that combines high-tech 3D technology with traditional woodworking methods. The boat, which is 14 feet long and dinghy-like in appearance, is made of oak and cedar. The oak is used for the hull, while the cedar is used for the skeletal, rib-like structure of the boat. The idea for the piece was initially inspired by Kerry James Marshall's painting, "The Gulf Stream," which depicts a boat of people of African descent enjoying a leisurely time, a depiction that is not typically associated with black individuals on the water. The piece is also influenced by Winslow Homer's painting, "The Gulf Stream," which shows a black man in a dinghy with a broken mast and sharks in the water, an abolitionist gesture.

Additional Information

Hugh Hayden created this piece for Black Atlantic, an exhibition at Brooklyn Bridge Park in New York City, which he also co-curated. ‍