Illuminate Downtown Guelph - CODAworx

Illuminate Downtown Guelph

Submitted by Aligned Vision Group

Client: Aligned Vision Group

Location: Markham, ON, Canada

Completion date: 2023

Artwork budget: $425,000

Project Team

Account Manager

John Coniglio

Aligned Vision Group

Installation Manager

Guy Wallace

Aligned Vision Group

On Site Install Manager

Kevin Mifflin

Aligned Vision Group

Design & Engineer

Paul Rennick

Aligned Vision Group


Illuminate Downtown Guelph strived to provide novel elements to buildings with differing architectural elements in a manner that accentuates these unique details without detracting from the overall look of the building itself. By using illumination to highlight these details, it was hoped that people would be drawn to the building and the businesses within. Two separate lighting modes would reflect this duality: traditional and modern. The evening show should start and end with classic architectural lighting, with the buildings bathed in an amber or white light strategically placed to draw the eye to the ornamentation on the building. The middle portion of the show should be a modern multi-coloured display, with colour shifts time-coordinated between all buildings included in the project. Mindful of the environmental impact, LED was chosen over traditional lamp fixtures due to its energy efficiency, and to minimize light pollution and allow for dark skies, the entire display should turn off at 11pm. With these parameters, predictive renderings of our vision were created.


The resulting installation created a landscape of illuminated landmarks, connecting the community to the city, inviting residents and visitors alike to immerse themselves in a lighting display that showcases Downtown Guelphā€™s history. Regular nightly displays can be remotely changed each season and special occasions can be celebrated through themed displays. The final outcome perfectly matches the produced renderings, indicating perfect execution despite the challenges.

There is an ineffable joy in seeing oneā€™s own vision brought to life. The interplay of light and shadow brings details of pediments and trimmings into stark relief, particularly the minutiae of any Romanesque or Gothic elements. The cornices, along with its corbels and modillions, are beautifully lit, drawing the eye upwards to an oft overlooked area of the building. The large scope of work creates a harmoniously synchronized look that cannot be achieved in most cities where each building feature wildly differing designs. Every aspect of this project delivered, making imagination into reality, pushing the boundaries of programming while flawlessly fusing the historic with the modern.


A project of this scale is not without challenges. Since multiple buildings were included in the project, each with different exterior finishing material, colour correction was crucial. Whether the exterior was limestone or concrete, it is imperative that the same perceived colour appeared across all nine buildings, at the same level of saturation and brightness. Additionally, different building owners, particularly those whose buildings had limestone exteriors, had restrictions regarding the installation, requiring innovation to deploy light fixtures at the required locations while adhering to the imposed parameters. Finally, since the buildings will be in use as businesses, the design must minimize light spill into the building via the windows.

Additional Information

All lighting designers on the project: John Coniglio, Guy Wallace Size of project, in sq ft or meters: phase 1 ā€“ total of 164ft of lighting installed, phase 2 ā€“ total 321ft of lighting installed Installation cost (if available): $1258 per foot installed, before taxes. Canadian dollars. Watts per sq ft or meter (if available): 25w-1', 45w-2', 65w-3' and 85W-4' fixtures Energy codes or standards relevant to project: provided in control system and program in compliance with OBC SB-10