Infiorata Design for Green Festival 2021 - CODAworx

Infiorata Design for Green Festival 2021

Submitted by Zack Ritchie

Client: Valletta Design Cluster

Location: Valletta, Malta

Completion date: 2021

Project Team


VCA Malta

Valletta Cultural Agency

Floral Curation

ELC Malta

ELC Malta Ltd.


WSC Malta

Water Services Corporation

Creative Direction

Zack Ritchie

Zack Ritchie Design


Infiorata Design is an artistic initiative created for the Green Festival 2021, showcasing the beauty and importance of environmental conservation. The project features a vibrant mosaic sea turtle, crafted from flowers and rope, set against a backdrop of waves and nature-inspired elements. This captivating design highlights the Maltese community’s dedication to protecting marine life, specifically sea turtles, which have become symbolic of local environmental efforts. The artwork not only attracts attention but also evokes a sense of empathy and responsibility towards maintaining a healthy environment.


The primary goal of integrating commissioned artwork into the Green Festival was to create a visual centerpiece that encapsulates the spirit of environmental stewardship. By focusing on the beloved sea turtle, the project aimed to foster a deeper connection between the festival attendees and the local wildlife conservation efforts. The integration of this artwork was crucial to the overall design as it served both an educational and emotional purpose, encouraging the community to reflect on their impact on the environment. The vibrant mosaic and rope designs were intended to draw attention, spark conversations, and inspire collective action towards zero pollution.


The creation of the Infiorata Design involved a collaborative process between the artist, Zack Ritchie, and various stakeholders including environmentalists, local artists, and festival organizers. Initial sketches were developed to explore different visual narratives, each emphasizing the relationship between humans and marine life. After selecting the most impactful concept, Zack worked closely with a team of artisans to bring the mosaic sea turtle to life using flowers and rope. Regular meetings ensured that the design aligned with the festival’s environmental theme, while also allowing for input and adjustments from all parties involved. This collaborative effort ensured that the final artwork was both aesthetically pleasing and meaningful.

Additional Information

The Infiorata Design not only served as an artistic highlight of the Green Festival 2021 but also acted as a powerful reminder of the importance of environmental conservation. The choice of a sea turtle, a species dear to the Maltese community, helped to personalize the message of the festival, making it more relatable and impactful. The use of natural materials like flowers and chalk further emphasized the theme of sustainability. This project stands as a example to the power of art in driving social and environmental change, engaging the community in a dialogue about preserving our planet for future generations.