Interconnected - CODAworx


Submitted by Sophy Tuttle Studios

Client: Harvard University

Location: Allston, MA, United States

Completion date: 2020

Artwork budget: $26,000

Project Team


Sophy Tuttle

Sophy Tuttle Studios

Project Manager

Madeline Jacobson

Isenberg Projects


In October of 2020 I transformed the 3,000 sq. ft. facade of the old New England Deposit Library with my mural, "Interconnected". “Interconnected” is a joyful reminder that we—humans, hummingbirds, succulents, butterflies and all of our fellow creatures—are all deeply dependent on each other. It is painted on a building erected at the turn of the century to house the New England Deposit Library, which once held the overflow of research materials from both Harvard and other research collections around the region. When I was tasked to come up with a design to adorn this monolithic building, I thought about how I could honor the history of the structure while also reflecting the current time. Its proximity to Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences made me reflect on the biotech industry in Boston, and what seemingly miraculous new technologies we have discovered from studying the biomechanics of animals or the chemical compounds in plants. Some of our greatest advancements as Homo sapiens have been influenced by, or entirely dependent on, our interactions with other species.


The goal of this project was to enliven an industrial neighborhood, revitalize an old building, and create a welcoming environment for new students and faculty at Harvard.


I worked with art directors at Isenberg Projects and well as members of several different interest groups within Harvard University to create this mural. We collaborated on timing, safety, and equipment-sharing throughout the month-long process.