Johnson Home Commissions - CODAworx

Johnson Home Commissions

Client: K Johnson

Location: Eagleville, PA, United States

Completion date: 2023

Project Team


Lizzie DiSilvestro

L DiSilvestro Art


Kathy Johnson


Art in multiple mediums for a luxury home in Pennsylvania. I worked with this client on art to furnish multiple areas of her newly built luxury home. After discovering both my paintings and fiber art online, she knew I would be able to meet her need for multiple pieces of art that all speak the same visual language.


The goal for this project was curating artwork that would complement the luxury, natural finishes of her newly built home, while meeting the size and use needs of each room.


A neutral pallet with rich texture and dynamic mark making was selected. Working room to room, we curated and designed a selection of paintings and fiber art that communicated harmony, visual interest, and luxe tactility over multiple months. In total I have created 7 pieces for her to date.

Additional Information

My client's background in interior design was instrumental in her cohesive vision and decisive selections. Having a strong understanding of the story you’re telling always helps when sourcing multiple pieces of art for a space.