Journey of Hope - CODAworx

Journey of Hope

Submitted by Cecilia Lueza Art Projects

Client: City of Fort Myers

Location: Fort Myers, Florida, FL, United States

Completion date: 2024

Project Team

Lead Artist

Cecilia Lueza

Logistics and Operations

Rick Munne


John Orlando


Standing 18 ft tall, Journey of Hope is an evocative sculpture, composed of two main pieces, one is the profile of an African American woman looking up with yearning and determination in her eyes as a way to symbolize hope and dreams of a better future. The second sculpture acts as a backdrop and resembles a sunburst that symbolizes the arrival of a new day where justice, equality and freedom will prevail. The project was inspired by Dr. Veronica Shoemaker and the many women from the city of Fort Myers that have worked tirelessly to advance the community and its residents.


After immersing ourselves in the life and work of Veronica Shoemaker and learning about the unique history and culture of the Dunbar community, our goal for this very
special project is to capture not only the brightness of hope and the power of dreams but also the achievement of justice, equality and freedom pursued by extraordinary
individuals like Veronica Shoemaker.