Journey Through Geometry - CODAworx

Journey Through Geometry

Submitted by Safoura Zahedi Studio


Location: Toronto, ON, Canada

Completion date: 2024

Project Team

Artist + Designer

Safoura Zahedi

Safoura Zahedi Studio

Fabrication Partner

Millworks Custom Manufacturing



‘Journey Through Geometry’ is an installation series that explores geometry as a spiritual design tool. Designed as a modular kit-of-parts, this fractal steel structure transforms to reveal new spatial experiences at each new site.


In 2022, I launched a 365-day field-research project, which took me to 17 countries and over 40 cities to study geometric patterns in art and architecture across major historic Islamic dynasties. Islamic design often uses repeating geometric patterns that invoke natural forms to echo the multiplicity within universal oneness. Bringing together my cultural heritage and contemporary design training, “Journey Through Geometry” intersects my fascination with both time-honoured craft and digital technologies to reflect on the relationship between spirituality and materiality in a 21st-century context.