Lightfall - CODAworx


Client: City of Mississauga

Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada

Completion date: 2023

Project Team


Nathan Whitford

Urban Visuals


Rachel Pennington

City of Mississauga


Tyler Sharp



Lightfall is a pair of light installations suspended within the two atria of the Mississauga Central Library. The installations are created with an arrangement
of LED fixtures that are hung in a spiral form extending within the voids of the two atria. The light in Lightfall animates with smooth flowing motion animated colour throughout the entire installation. The motion and flow of the lighting depicts the flow of knowledge and illumination that happens within the Library,
representing knowledge as a fluid-like motion similar to the flow of water. The animation is closely mirrored between the two different installations so that the
two halves to the installation seem rooted in symbiosis: living and responding to the knowledge that feeds them, and visualizing the illumination that happens
within the Library.

The arrangement of the fixtures in Lightfall attempt to mimic the way objects often form in nature. The hanging fixtures are distributed according to a dictated
form, or set of rules (the spiral shape), but the placement of each fixture deviates a little from the base spiral so the whole form is not immediately revealed to
the viewer.


Working with the library architect firm of RDHA, our goal was to design an artwork that integrates into the completely redesigned library space, but also stands out and helps solidify the libraries role as a community hub.

Libraries are vital spaces for the retention and transfer of knowledge, both in the volumes they hold, and their value as places of solitary study and group
collaboration. Light is often used as a metaphor for knowledge, and libraries offer a place of such illumination; enlightening those who share in the knowledge on offer.

The arrangement of the fixtures in Lightfall attempt to mimic the way objects often form in nature. The hanging fixtures are distributed according to a dictated form, or set of rules (the spiral shape), but the placement of each fixture deviates a little from the base spiral so the whole form is not immediately revealed to the viewer.


Suspended over a span of nearly 60 feet, the installation consists of 196 LED tubes suspended within the two atria of the library. Custom control hardware and LED fixtures were developed for the artwork.