''LOOKS'' - CODAworx


Client: Diocese of Lyon La Part Dieu

Location: Lyon, France

Completion date: 2020

Artwork budget: $368

Project Team

artistic design

Udo Zembok

Zembok Studio

glass manufacturer

Wilhelm Peters

Peters Glass Studios


Yves Melia

Sud Architectes


Giant portraits appear on a canvas like glass-facade in Lyon, France.
This translucent wall features portrait images of socially active personnalities with religious backgrounds, from the city of Lyon and worldwide.
The 60 meters long and 7 meters high image wall is visible simultaneously from inside and from outside the building, contributing to a strong visual presence
in the urban context, almost like a street-art intervention.
Technically the artwork is manufactured by multilayer digital prints with ceramic pigments on glass.


These giant portraits look upon the viewer and seem to question him on his own social responsability.
The translucent large scale image wall acts like an invitation to enter the co-working spaces situated behind it; active people are visible from outside. By promoting social engagement the work fits into the goals of the client, and the
chosen minimalist architectural design enhances the visual presence of the artwork.