Memorial Stairs by Sandy Williams - CODAworx

Memorial Stairs by Sandy Williams

Client: Grounds for Sculpture

Location: Hamilton, NJ, United States

Completion date: 2024

Project Team


Sandy Williams

Sandy Williams Studio

Director of Collections & Exhibitions

Faith McClellan

Grounds for Sculpture

Project Manager

Daniel Gwynn

Johnson Atelier Digital


Memorial Stairs showcase Sandy’s Wax Monuments, a series of sculptures that depict famous monuments as miniature wax candles. Americans’ views of figures on pedestals occupying public space is troubled. Monuments are concrete objects that bring history to life, often considered to be untouchable or permanent. Chiseled into stone, or mixed into molten bronze is the intent to shape public perception and collective memory. What becomes contentious is whose collective memory is prioritized and whose stories are forgotten.


By creating small figures that can be melted down, Williams gives the public agency to engage with the monuments and meditate on the ideals they represent. Melting the figures results in a symbolic gesture that Williams sees as not an erasure of history, but an opportunity for transformation.


Williams takes 3D scans of public monuments, such as the Statue of Liberty, and shrinks them down into wax forms that are small enough to be held.

Additional Information

Slow Motion will be on display at Grounds for Sculpture till September 1, 2025.