President Barack Obama Main Library in Saint Petersburg, Florida - Submission of framed painting 24"x30" Historic Reflection for consideration as interior artwork by the 2024 Call for Artist for Public Spaces committee review - CODAworx

President Barack Obama Main Library in Saint Petersburg, Florida – Submission of framed painting 24″x30″ Historic Reflection for consideration as interior artwork by the 2024 Call for Artist for Public Spaces committee review

Submitted by Vincent Mancuso

Client: City of Saint Petersburg, Florida

Location: Saint Petersburg, FL, United States

Completion date: 2025

Artwork budget: $1,200

Project Team

Project Marketing

Regina "Reggie" Morrisey

Of Two Minds

Project Creator

Vincent Mancuso

Of Two Minds


Vincent Mancuso was captivated by the Snell Arcade building reflection in a modern skyscraper diagonally across it on Central Avenue, Saint Petersburg, Florida. He rendered the technically complex 24″ x 30″ pastel of the two buildings, iconic Snell Arcade mirrored in the glass facade of the 20th Century office building. Historic Reflection is one of his many Earth Portraits.


Visitors to the 2025 renovated President Barack Obama Main Library in Saint Petersburg, Florida, would recognize the pastel painting Historic Reflection by Vincent Mancuso as representing the city's bustling Central Avenue, It is a nod to its past and future and to the city's celebrated blue skies.


Vincent Mancuso, a juried member of the Pastel Society of America, created this work.

Additional Information

As a city where Vincent Mancuso and his wife Reggie Morrisey have lived and worked since moving from New York in 1995, Saint Petersburg is a significant place. The couple enjoys the city's beauty and weather, its diverse citizenry and its recreational, artistic, civic, social and intellectual life, including its libraries. (See their posts on OfTwoMinds2 on Instagram.) Studio@620 hosted a retrospective of Mancuso paintings in 2019. Past exhibits include: The Morean Arts Center, where he taught The Art of Pastels for 10 years, Alla Prima Fine Art Gallery, Jane Chapin Gallery and Ludner Confident Gallery. Affiliation with the name President Barack Obama carries deep meaning as well. It would be an honor to have Historic Reflection hanging in the President Barack Obama Main Library as part of Vincent Mancuso's legacy.