Submitted by Alva Gallagher

Client: Failte Ireland and Dublin City Council

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Completion date: 2023

Artwork budget: $136,000

Project Team

Artist and creator

Alva Gallagher

Project Engineers

G&S Stainless Engineering

Lighting Engineers

AJC Group


Failte Ireland


Absorbing the viewer in a collaborative space of ever moving constellations PULSE is an immersive, public sculpture light installation commissioned by Failte Ireland and Dublin City Council sited on the River Liffey in central Dublin, Ireland’s Capital. This immersive public sculpture piece has evolved from a vision of the Dublin Docklands as a steady moving entity, of life in motion. It synchronises elements of the night sky with descriptive attributes of this unique quayside location. A manifestation of marine and urban tidal movements created by human activity. Harmonising the dualities of human motion quayside with calm waters. An interactive, immersive, sensory light art installation that invites a response motion stimulated by human movement. Made up of 20,000 integrated LED’s that transform the sculptural objectivity by day to an animated immersive pulse wave of light simulation in response to the viewer’s motion by night. The 20,000 shimmering illuminations, in the form of the pole star constellations, glow in varying hues that gently illuminate the space to inspire a moment of awareness and contemplation, when by passing under an orbital pulse of light washes over the entire work bathing the area in a wave of immersive aurora hues and a spectacle of shooting stars.


PULSE unites elements of the past with contemporary modern concepts to create a legacy piece within the historic central docklands. This work structurally portrays a vision of the old Dockers great net lines cast in suspended motion, a vision of perpetuity flash frozen in space, by day the physical manifestation of that pulse of city life gone by and by night an enlivened cadence of modern city life portrayed with thousands of interconnected effervescent pole star constellations.​ By its nature the workings around the docklands inspire visions of intrigue, tales of adventure, misadventure and mystery. This piece is suspended in animation in homage to the history of the area, a suggestion of this human presence and activity, to inspire the imagination to envisage the first activities of the time that began a great prosperity for the Dublin Docklands area. This vision of attribute in suspended motion is paired with the vision of the constellations directly above us. The Pole Star constellations used solely by old mariners to navigate their way home at the time continue to inspire awe and comfort in our modern day. This space will be re-immersed in a cloak of enlivened constellations.


PULSE absorbs the viewer in a collaborative space of ever moving constellations. By dusk this piece comes alive. On approach it glows in a hue of elegant shimmering light, drawing the viewer in. As you immerse in its expanse the sensory motion of your body triggers a motion response and a pulse of light washes through the piece wrapping the viewer beneath a 30sq metre wave of colour and light, creating an interactive immersive public experience. PULSE is programmed to perform this pulse light on the hour every hour from dusk to midnight each day for the wider City audience and is fully colour automated for celebratory occasions.

Additional Information

PULSE creates a refuge spot to immerse, pause and reflect, to reconnect to the outside in this dense urban scenario, bringing a nightly vision of the remote, into inner city life. It illuminates a dynamic interactive map of the circumpolar constellations shimmering around the North Star. This map of the pole star constellations is a constant wave of light. Made dynamic on physical movement to reflect the pulse and ever-constant rhythm and beat of the city to immerse the viewer in a cloak of elegant glistening light.