Soluna - CODAworx

Client: City of Phoenix Housing Department

Location: Phoenix, AZ, United States

Completion date: 2021

Artwork budget: $400,000

Project Team

Artist + Fabricator

Jeffrey Reed

Reed Madden Designs

Artist + Fabricator

Jennifer Madden

Reed Madden Designs

Lighting Designer

Peter Tjeerdsma

Structural Engineers

RBHU Engineering


Children’s artwork lights a plaza and shows our place in the solar system. Created for a low-income apartment complex, the artwork shows the arc of the sun, the location of the solstices around our planet, the phases of the moon and a star where Phoenix is located in America. 360 community artworks are mounted on eight shade structures and many are incorporated in the nighttime show on the twenty-four foot light sculpture.


The goal was to create a gathering place both day and night that would show local children's artwork. The piece is meant to make local children proud of their published art and educate people about geography and the movement of the sun and moon.


The City of Pheonix Housing and Development in partnership with Gorman USA created this housing development.