Story Center at Fairytale Town, Sacramento, CA - CODAworx

Story Center at Fairytale Town, Sacramento, CA

Submitted by Gioia Fonda

Client: Fairytale Town

Location: Sacramento, CA, United States

Completion date: 2023

Artwork budget: $80,000

Project Team


Gioia Fonda

Gioia Fonda

art consultant

Shelly Willis

Shelly Willis Art Consulting


Kevin Fagan Smith

Fairytale Town


John Pemberton

Carlysle Manufacturing


Julian Sander

Julian Sandpaper


Story Center serves to empower children to explore different aspects of the tradition of storytelling. This project is located within Fairytale Town is a beautifully landscaped, 3.5 acre storybook themed park built in 1959. Story Center is a brand new building within park, the exterior of which looks like a thatched roof cottage with a windmill, intended to be an quasi-educational space, as well as offering visitors some reprieve when temperatures are too hot or too cold or wet. The client asked me to create pieces that would define three activity corners of the room: a corner for dress up and theatrical play, a corner for creativity and crafts, and a corner for reading. There was an additional corner for exploring technology, but I was not asked to create anything for this area. Given the scope of the project, my contributions to the space were multifaceted, taking the form of several unique and playful furniture pieces, as well as some interactive elements.


For this project, I needed to make considerations regarding what was appropriate given the primary age of the users of the space (ages 2-9). I also needed to ensure safety and durability, as well as ease of upkeep, all while providing pieces that were both eye-catching and fun. As this was a space for children to create their own stories, I purposely strayed away from using much in the way of recognizable imagery, aiming to encourage a more open-ended style of play. In each corner I incorporated places where adult visitors could lean or rest, attempting to keep the space from feeling cluttered while figuring that making guardians comfortable would result in children being able to play longer. In addition to design and fabrications of these custom pieces, I was also responsible for purchasing some additional furnishings in the space (beanbags, pillows, round table, small chairs, stools, some additional shelving, and a large whiteboard).


Through all phases of this project, I worked with Fairytale Town director Kevin Fagan-Smith, and art consultant Shelly Willis. In finally creating the pieces for Story Center I worked closely with two main fabricators, John Pemberton and Julian Sander. I would provide sketches to each of these fabricators, which would then be followed up with numerous meetings to discuss materials and construction before proceeding, and often more meetings throughout the processes of fabrication and installation. I also had an assistant, Jen Stract, who was invaluable in helping me with research and development and putting smaller pieces in place. Additionally I had a former students work with me as assistants to help me with painting (Joseph Conradson and Elise Cole-Da Cruz. I also worked with two photographers, Andres Alvarez for the (Discovery Drawers) and Thais Scheideman for documentation.

Additional Information

Custom pieces designed and fabricated for Corner 1 (dress up and theatrical play): stage, three benches, two side panels, six fabric backdrop designs, six large wooden stage props, as well as small prop and costume storage Custom pieces designed and fabricated for Corner 2 (creativity and craft corner): "reading warren" structure, stencil activity, discover drawers, and interactive magnet wall Custom pieces designed and fabricated for Corner 3 (reading nook): "bookbow", featuring decorative repurposed books and one side and functional book storage on the opposite side, display shelving, custom upholstery