Tasting Life Mural, Crimson Cup - CODAworx

Tasting Life Mural, Crimson Cup

Submitted by Textographies

Client: Crimson Cup Coffee Roasters

Location: Columbus, OH, United States

Completion date: 2019

Artwork budget: $12,000

Project Team


Barbara Fant


Art Consultant

Adam Brouillette



Crimson Cup Coffee wanted an exterior mural that was both visually impactful, and expressed the company’s vision statement. They commissioned a poet to compose a work that drew on Crimson Cup’s mission to empower the communities that grow their coffee. I then transformed the written poem into a large colorful abstract mural for the exterior wall. The area provided a gathering space for their customers to enjoy their coffee while they playfully attempt to decipher the text of the mural.


This retail development employed public art throughout the entire outdoor area. Art was used to encourage exploration throughout the outdoor gathering spaces. Art was presented at various scales to allow for big placemaking moments as well as little discoveries for the general public.


I was brought on through the art consultant, Adam Brouillette. Once artist were selected, we each worked directly with the developer, Steiner And Assoc. and the Vendor Crimson Cup to develope the content. The added collaboration of working with Poet Barbara Fant was just a wonderful extra bonus that rounded out the project.