Technical University of Kaiserslautern - CODAworx

Technical University of Kaiserslautern


Location: Kaiserslautern, Germany

Completion date: 2022

Artwork budget: $218

Project Team

Ulrich Bernard

Frederik Richter

Derix Glasstudios


In 2019, Ulrich Bernard won an artistic competition to design the 171m2 large exterior façade of the new LPME laboratory building on the campus of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. His design extends over 40 panes, all of which were artistically refined by hand.


The aim of this project was to embellish the exterior façade of the new LPME laboratory building on the campus of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern with an outstanding work of art. However, the artwork was not only intended to have an effect on the outside environment with its reflective colors, but also to bring color inside through its transparent elements. By working with the renowned artist Ulrich Bernhardt, a unique and aesthetically pleasing glass façade was created that not only enriches the campus artistically, but also creates an inspiring environment for students, teaching staff and employees.


A team of two artisans spent more than two months in our workshop manually refining the panes, each of which is up to 5 meters high. Enamel glass paints were applied using an airbrush gun and then fired in a 3 by 6 meter kiln. Once painting was complete, the panes were processed into insulating glazing by our industrial partner. The development, planning and implementation of this art-in-architecture project took around a year and required close cooperation between various professionals.