The Nature of Invention - CODAworx

The Nature of Invention

Submitted by Pete Goldlust

Client: Corvallis (OR) Community Center

Location: Corvallis, OR, United States

Completion date: 2021

Artwork budget: $24,999

Project Team

Artistic collaborator

Melanie Germond

Fabrication, installation

So Metal LLC


Laser-cut aluminum wall reliefs, stained glass corbels
Dimensions: Central mural- 10’ x 36’; other elements vary
Year Completed:
Description: A collaboration with Melanie Germond, commissioned by The City of Corvallis. An installation of interrelated artworks weave across the Community Center’s lounge, lobby, and activity areas.
Budget: $25,000


Relief elements and stained-glass corbels celebrate unique and often-hidden history, environment and culture: the community’s status as a center for engineering and innovation; critical local milestones in the advancement of social justice; contributions by communities of color; the city’s position at the forefront of bicycle culture; and distinctive features of the Willamette Valley's unique ecosystem.