Vanishing Points - CODAworx

Vanishing Points

Submitted by Poetic Kinetics

Client: Burning Man

Location: Black Rock City, NV, United States

Completion date: 2023

Project Team


Patrick Shearn

Poetic Kinetics


Desiree Barlow

Poetic Kinetics

Fabricator / Installation & Strike Lead

Kelsy Owens

Poetic Kinetics

Designer / Installation & Strike Crew

Chad Diep

Poetic Kinetics

Designer / Installation & Strike Crew

Geoffrey Sanhueza

Poetic Kinetics

Installation & Strike Crew

Buck Walsky

Installation & Strike Crew

Shannon Kelly

Installation & Strike Crew

Jordan Vandune

Installation & Strike Crew

Tom Jenkins

Installation & Strike Crew

Thomas Clarkson

Installation & Strike Crew

Ada Hirsz

Installation & Strike Crew

Rae Phoenix

Installation & Strike Crew

Petra Sattler-Smith

Installation & Strike Crew

Karen Larsen

Installation & Strike Crew

Amelia Yeh

Installation & Strike Crew

Keith Tu

Installation & Strike Crew

Isaac Safdeys


Amidst the vast expanse of desert, “Vanishing Points” rose from ground, breaking the horizon in a silent dance with nature. The installation consisted of tapering carbon fiber poles that soared to 96 feet and moved in graceful choreography with the shifting desert winds at Burning Man in 2023.

A tranquil respite from the exhilarating energy of the festival at large, “Vanishing Points” invited visitors to contemplate the delicate interplay between humanity and nature, as the wind constantly interacted with and affected the piece. Within the embrace of this colossal, grass-like, kinetic labyrinth, visitors experienced a profound shift in both perspective and self-perception. The immersive and ever-changing experience of the artwork was a vivid reminder of our capacity to shape our environment as well as a humbling acknowledgment of our modest place within it.

At night, moving laser illumination raked through the field, creating layers of sparkling lights throughout. As the laser light connected with the swaying installation, a sense of depth and movement was revealed within the installation. This visually captivating and enchanting atmosphere drew participants in and invited them to explore and engage with the artwork.


Vanishing Points was brought to life with the support of The Anchorage Art Museum at Rasmuson Center.

The philosophy of Vanishing Points centers around the interconnectedness of humanity and nature, evoking a sense of unity and harmony within the vastness of our world. The installation seeks to inspire awe and wonder, reminding participants of the beauty and power that lies within our environment and within ourselves. Our goal is to inspire a sense of responsibility to nurture and protect the planet for future generations.

The ethos of the artwork extended into its design and Poetic Kinetics took the following measures to create an environmentally responsible and sustainable art installation, that showcased beauty alongside our commitment to preserving the planet for future generations.


To minimize our environmental impact, we used solar panels to charge deep-cycle batteries during the day. These batteries powered LED lights at night, providing a sustainable and reliable energy source for the duration of the event.
The installation primarily utilizes carbon fiber poles, which are lightweight and durable, reducing transportation-related carbon emissions and ensuring the longevity of the artwork, allowing it to be displayed in various locations around the world.
The modular nature of the installation enables easy disassembly, transportation, and reassembly in different configurations, maximizing its potential for reuse and reducing the need for new materials in future installations.
For nighttime illumination, energy-efficient LED lights and laser technology were used. These lighting methods consume less power than traditional lighting systems, reducing energy consumption.
Solar panels were the sole power source for the lighting components of the installation.
By implementing a comprehensive Leave No Trace plan, we minimized environmental impact during the installation, exhibition, and deinstallation processes, and ultimately restored the site to its original condition.