Weaving Worldviews - CODAworx

Weaving Worldviews

Submitted by John Lewis

Client: Cedar Realty Trust Inc

Location: Philadelphia, PA, United States

Completion date: 2022

Project Team

lead artist

John Lewis


Cedar Realty Trust Inc


On S. 23rd St. and Shunk St. Phila PA This mural is a triptych about the difficulties
of reaching understanding in the modern age, particularly between people of divergent worldviews. The 1st
scene is a mother; calling us back to a common beginning; the 2nd shows the capacity of children to
connect; and the 3rd shows the optimal connection of 2 minds when there is mutual respect and appreciation
for each other’s background. Drawings and design on aluminum panels. 4’ x 8’ panels spaced in sections on a
block wall.


This project was initiated by the client reaching out to me to produce a mural like I had done in the same area; 1 block away.


I designed 2 ideas on the same topic; and after consideration the client went with this one. There wasn't a long revision process for this project.