Wishing Hand, Dublin, Ireland - CODAworx

Wishing Hand, Dublin, Ireland

Client: Department of Education, Ireland

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Completion date: 2002

Project Team


Linda Brunker

Linda Brunker

Bronze casting

Bronze Art Ltd

Bronze Art Ltd.


Sit in the Wishing hand and make a wish!
Here (just as in the mind of a child) anything is possible!
It was commissioned by the Department of Education for the plaza of their headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.
It is an interactive piece and a reminder of the role of educators in inspiring and nurturing children.
It is 3 m x 1.5m x 1.3 m and made from cast bronze and was installed in 2002.


It is an interactive piece and a reminder of the role of educators in inspiring and nurturing children.


I carved this enormous hand with a chainsaw from a hugh bolck of styrofoam!
I finished the surface with wax. It was then cast in bronze.