Coo Lot with Plum Pipes - CODAworx

Coo Lot with Plum Pipes

Client: LAND Studio and the Cleveland Water Department

Location: Cleveland, OH, United States

Completion date: 2020

Artwork budget: $165,000

Project Team

Project Management & fabriction overight

John Grant

Public Art Services

Structural Engineering

Nick Geurts



Coo Lot with Plum Pipes transforms two empty residential lots by creating a new jaunty entrance to R.J. Taylor Park and a spot for neighbors to saunter, meet, and gather. Referencing the nearby Nottingham Water Treatment Plant, the artwork is a 135-foot labyrinthine of water pipes with a swaying bench, horizontal pipes that provide bench-like seating, and light that spills out of the vertical pipes like water to illuminate the path and trees at night.

R.J. Taylor Park, Cleveland, OH
12ā€™ x 18ā€™ x 135ā€™
Painted galvanized steel, stainless steel, LEDs


While developing his proposal, Geller immediately set out to transform two empty residential lots into a pocket park, a gateway to R.J. Taylor Park, and a link between Nottingham and its adjacent neighborhoods.


JohnGellerā€™s process always begins with stakeholder and community engagement which could include learning about the area's history, gaining insight into the communityā€™s vision for the site, and brainstorming about what would enrich and bring together their diverse community.

John Grant (Public Art Services) provided design development and fabrication services for the structure and installation. Nick Geurts (Yetiweurks) provided design and structural engineering services.

Additional Information

In his public art practice, Matthew Gellerā€™s participatory sculptures become one of the building blocks that make a space a destination. As such, the work activates the site and promotes interaction among visitors, often creating intimate moments in a singularly public space. Part of his workā€™s success is that it is physically experiential: viewers understand that there is a place for themselves in it. His sculptures enable moments of respite and delight, befitting the site's functional and visual context. He purposefully uses materials from the everyday environment creating a level of connection to the familiar while highlighting elements of awe and beguilement. The idea is to surprise while fostering the sense of an inclusive community around an unlikely object or location, creating a micro public square or landmark. By considering behavioral design and incorporating dynamic elements activated by people and changes in the weather, the resulting work is in constant flux. Ultimately, the artworkā€™s goal will be to engender a sense of wonder, enhancing the community and visitor experience.