Zonar Hotel - CODAworx

Zonar Hotel

Client: Zonar Hotels Zagreb

Location: Zagreb, Croatia

Completion date: 2023

Artwork budget: $350

Project Team


Silvio Vujicic



Studio UP

Studio UP Architecture


The newly renovated panoramic hotel in Zagreb has been placed with art creation from mr. Silvio Vujcic and architectural Studio UP to bring a fresh look on interior. All the glass have been made in combination of hand made textile linen and partially mirrored glass. The glass is then cleverly illuminated with hidden spots that bring a funky movement to the glass as part of the interior.


A simple goal to bring out the dynamics into the area with smart directions and to illuminate the welcoming area was achieved thru the positioning of glass.


The techniques that have been combined in order to achive the desired effect where tested in many stages and options. Hand made linen was carefully designed and produced in order to achive minimum thickness and maximum light transmition, carefully chosen additional foils and partial mirror process had to be accomodate with linen and more then that a illumination that is hidden in between the glass and metal had to be placed. Coordination between all these stages had to be carefully planed and produced with highest quality and security standards.